Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Sylvia A, Gilbert, AZ

They came out the same day and fixed my sprinkler valve for a reasonable price. Rich was very helpful on helping me understand the automatic timer.

Jeff H. - Surprise, Arizona

Technician was on time, repair was complete in a 1/2 hour. They did what the person on the phone told me they would do. I was very happy with the service I received.

Michael T. - Phoenix, Arizona

Travis did a wonderful job, He knows a lot about sprinklers and drip irrigation. We called him to replace one valve and he gave us a discount on replacing all 3 valves. They were the only company to give a 5 year warranty.

Debbie H. - Fountain Hills, Arizona

I called a different company to fix a drip problem under our driveway. They showed up two days later and told me they could not fix the problem. Az Irrigation found the leak and fixed the job for $117.00 the same day. Great service.

Scott A. - Queen Creek, Arizona

Our grass had brown spots in the front and back yard. The gentleman that came out replaced 4 heads and adjusted the rest of them. We also had a drip leak in the back yard and he fixed that. This was the only company that picked up the phone. The others went to voicemail.

Pat S. - Tempe, Arizona

Repairman was covered in mud when he was done. God Bless him!! The water was stuck on for at least two hours and they came out and did a emergency shut off and fixed the leak. I would recommend this company always. Kyle was the man at fixing the water leak. He is such a polite young man that always has a smile on his face. Thank You.

Bob W. - Sun Lakes, Arizona

I use to do all the work myself on the water sprinklers, Im to old and tired to do it any more I can’t. I paid someone to fix my sprinklers. They came and did what I asked them.

John K. - Scottsdale, Arizona

Technician was in my area, came over 2 hours after I called. Kyle explained how to program the sprinkler timer. Total cost was $60.00

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